What concept of culture and identity will we develop in space? Who will have a say in this? And if we end up with a rich diversity of cultures and identities, how will we maintain cohesion? Ēngines of Ēternity (ĒoĒ) is a joint effort between SEADS and the laboratory of Karine Van Doninck (UNamur/ULB). In a series of space biology experiments, rotifers were sent to the ISS in 2019 and 2020. SEADS sent a human fingerprint code along with the rotifers. This code formed the algorithmic seed for an evolving artwork. After each space mission the gene expression data of the rotifers was used to parametrically evolve the art. As such, Ēngines of Ēternity engenders new forms of co-creation between humans, biological organisms, algorithms, and outer space. ĒoĒ is realized in partnership with the RISE project of the laboratory of Prof. Karine Van Doninck at the University of Namur. RISE is funded by ESA and BELSPO, in the framework of the PRODEX programme. Ēngines of Ēternity is funded with support of the Flemish Authorities. RISE and Ēngines of Ēternity were first launched on 5 December 2019 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, as part of the SpaceX CRS-19 mission. NASA provided technical support.